In the "Source of Energy" series, I embark on a journey, profound, Delving into the sources, in our daily rounds, so often around.
They bestow upon us, boundless energy, to thrive and soar,
In this dynamic realm of life, where we evermore explore.
These hidden gems, often ignored, are catalysts pure,
Metamorphosizing inspirations, into a life, so vivid, so sure.
Without their embrace, existence would lose its sheen,
A purposeless, dull world, where meaning can't be seen.
So, here's my humble attempt, in verses and in hue,
To capture these essences, to share this vibrant view.
In the "Source of Energy" series, I hope you find,
A bond of life's vitality, intricately entwined.
The aura of the blooming Chrysanthemum
The ancient tale of the Damselfly
The secret whispers of the Malabar whistling thrush
The gentle caress of a wrinkled palm
The riverside Reverie
The echo of the ocean’s fables from the seashells
The sacred hymn of the sandalwood Incense
The mesmerizing painting of the Tyndall effect on the canvas of the forest
The whole idea about 'development' (of urban areas) needs some mending!
30“ x 30" of amendments on Canvas
What is your idea of mending the city?
Here I am questing all of us to re-think on the idea of ‘development’, when we call it as ‘development’, it should mean, getting better, healthier, stronger, diverse and natural! Are we really doing that?
The Juno (a NASA space probe orbiting the planet Jupiter) in me!
Ruvansh (my son) keeps telling stories about going on the planet- Jupiter. One of them inspired me to paint this one; so that, he keeps continuing his dreams while I keep taking inspiration from them..
These are the clouds on Jupiter. Strikingly beautiful as seen through the lens of Juno, and so we decided to hang it on the ceiling and feel its spatial presence at home!
This one is for Ruvansh, and to all those who Love this gas giant!
48” x 48” of spatial experience!
This art work is a part of the series- ‘Exultant Clouds’! No matter where life takes us, clouds have always been a visual symbol of Hope! Hanging there, up in the sky, this series celebrates the existence of clouds and how inspirational it has been on people's mind! In our joys and sorrow, and troubled times or pleasure, when we look up at the sky, we relate life at ease to emote our unspoken journey.
The series also dedicates gratitude to these wonders called- ‘clouds’ for always being there, for our souls to hold upon, in physical-visual and in our thoughts!
Here, I am expressing, 24” x 36” of being Courageous!
This art work is a part of the series- ‘Exultant Clouds’! No matter where life takes us, clouds have always been a visual symbol of Hope! Hanging there, up in the sky, this series celebrates the existence of clouds and how inspirational it has been on people's mind! In our joys and sorrow, and troubled times or pleasure, when we look up at the sky, we relate life at ease to emote our unspoken journey.
The series also dedicates gratitude to these wonders called- ‘clouds’ for always being there, for our souls to hold upon, in physical-visual and in our thoughts!
Here, I am expressing, 36” x 36” of sharing Hope!
This art work is a part of the series- ‘Exultant Clouds’! No matter where life takes us, clouds have always been a visual symbol of Hope! Hanging there, up in the sky, this series celebrates the existence of clouds and how inspirational it has been on people's mind! In our joys and sorrow, and troubled times or pleasure, when we look up at the sky, we relate life at ease to emote our unspoken journey.
The series also dedicates gratitude to these wonders called- ‘clouds’ for always being there, for our souls to hold upon, in physical-visual and in our thoughts!
Here, I am expressing, 24” x 24” X 2 of feeling Happy!
And sometimes, we need that companion (dual) to share this pure joy!
This art work is a part of the series- ‘Exultant Clouds’! No matter where life takes us, clouds have always been a visual symbol of Hope! Hanging there, up in the sky, this series celebrates the existence of clouds and how inspirational it has been on people's mind! In our joys and sorrow, and troubled times or pleasure, when we look up at the sky, we relate life at ease to emote our unspoken journey.
The series also dedicates gratitude to these wonders called- ‘clouds’ for always being there, for our souls to hold upon, in physical-visual and in our thoughts!
36” x 36” X 2 of sharing Joy!
The prismatic colors are gathered from nature to exhibit unity in them and extraordinary feeling of joy that comes along with it..
The pieces are evolved from the thought of ‘renewable energy sources around us and our connection to the Sun and the Moon; and how blessed we are, to have them in abundance! These artworks bring awareness to harness any energy from right resources and to be sensitive in their usage. Here, it also depicts how one can bring in best of their self through the day and the night, while being humble and resourceful, always!
How can you assure yourself that there is infinite, all around us, and so you shouldn't limit yourself…
I can only see layers of mountains; all sort of them. The icy, the volcanic, the ones on planet earth and the others elsewhere.. And beyond them, I can see it.. The infinity!
Sometimes, we all want to begin again, and why not!
The new beginnings are the self given chances to do it better, wiser and merrier. They also check on the optimism and the enthusiasm in us!
Here’s to that new life!
These pieces of expressions are a compilation of various destination to choose from. Each leading towards better version of humanity and self.
These are to bring in inspiration for better performance in life and to have the larger goals with which we can move forward.
Here's, sharing 12” diameter of choices of destination to begin with!
BLUE: Path to FLY
This art work is an imagined land of happiness, where one can laugh, dance, play and be contended with his existence.